For your peace of mind, we will provide you with a comprehensive admission documentation.
At the time of admission, Mwangaza Behavioral Health Residential Care will provide the resident and/or the resident’s parent, guardian, custodian, designated representative, or agent with the following information:
- A list of resident rights;
- An explanation of any fees that the resident is required to pay;
- A copy of the agency’s refund policy and procedure;
- The current telephone number and address of:
- Bureau of Residential Facilities Licensing (BRRL)
- The Department’s Division of Behavioral Health Services;
- If the resident is enrolled by a regional behavioral health authority as an individual who is seriously mentally ill, the human rights advocate provided by the department or the Department’s designee;
- The Arizona Department of Economic Security office of Adult Protective Services;
- The local of the regional behavioral health authority;
- A copy of the agency’s grievance policy and procedure; and
- A written description of the house dress code.
Each resident and/or the resident’s parent, guardian, custodian, or agent will sign an acknowledgment that they have been provided with the foregoing information and such acknowledgment will be made part of the resident’s file.
Contact Us
Set An Appointment today to be assisted by one of our accommodating representatives. For other inquiries, contact us at 520-248-1295.