The intake process consists of a review of the resident’s packet of information from the referral source by the Clinical Supervisor. If the review of information appears to be appropriate, then an intake clinical assessment will take place with the member to further assess if the member can benefit from behavioral health residential treatment. If, during the review of the information or interview of the resident, it is determined that MWANGAZA BHRF cannot meet the needs of the resident, the referral source will be notified.
As a private agency, MWANGAZA BHRF may find it necessary to refuse admission and treatment to a particular resident due to the extraordinary needs of the resident and/or a particular level of care needed by the resident that MWANGAZA BHRF does not provide. Placement/services may be denied if it is determined that introducing a particular resident to the home will be detrimental to the welfare or treatment of existing residents. When this occurs, the Program Director assisted by the Clinical Supervisor will provide the resident’s referring source with written notice of reason(s) for refusal of admission/services.
Age appropriate guidelines will be used in assigning a resident to a particular room. It is the goal of MWANGAZA BHRF to provide a safe and secure environment for all residents and consideration will be given in reference to room assignments.
MWANGAZA BHRF believes that every resident deserves a chance to heal, grow, and develop to their fullest potential. Therefore, admission and re-admissions are considered on a case by case basis. If necessary, MWANGAZA BHRF shall provide the resident with a referral to an appropriate residential program.
MWANGAZA BHRF shall not refuse admission to any resident on the grounds of race, religion, sexual orientation, or ethnic origin.
For Assistance
Please call us at 520-248-1295 if you have any questions or need any additional information. For a personal meeting with one of our representatives, we encourage you to Set An Appointment today.